
Monday, December 17, 2012

神秘閃光、恐怖風暴雲 全球意象「末日徵兆」?





里面还埋藏了乳鼠, 巨象齿, 等等的遗骸
大约有 1 万年玛雅人的婴孩的尸体就等于说我们现在的木乃伊

据说, 印地安人相信喜欢用人类的鲜血与心藏供奉给太阳神

但, 对他们而言


一位预言家在 写的centuries
最近 有人把它拿出来作为末日的前提

FROM the calm morning the end and will come when  of the dancing horse the number of circle will be nine 

意思说当会 骑马的转到第9 个圈的时候 世界将在宁静的 早晨中结束

这首歌已8 万多的点击率
所以在12 月份将上升到9 位数
数字已显示了9 个0


说了那么多, 很多人都忙于 储存粮食

罐头 ,米,柴都被人抢购了



据说,有一颗无形行星将会在2012 02 13 与地球的
之差4 厘米擦身而过
而发生火山爆发或地震, 海啸


他们无意中在深林里拍摄到一个像人类外形一样的大 脚怪人


Sunday, December 9, 2012

His drawing ....................

I was so surprising when he pass mea book of pictures....
i NEVER thought he knew drawing skill
since his writting abusolutely weird (honestly to said)
I was shock..
when i looking for all those pictures

A lady was missing someone .. it should be couple looking for sunset ..;p  it will more better

i am so sorry for that..
u are a newer to me start from today.. 
u surprising me dear... 

and one things.. he was a althelic in primary school..
he get a lot metal ... 

He will going to leave me sooner..
he said wanna work out on oversea, since Malaysia cannot sacrified himself due to the salart low><
which mean that we will be more far distance ><
i felt sad when he told me about that
i ask him
DID U THINK about me,.. does not u worry that i get another boy or u find another girl more closer with u

a lot of things i worries><
but i cant be self-fish...
distruct his future....

it coul be a good things since he have his thinking and planing.
maybe ... i not belong to him as well in future..
i wish he will not leave me lar  ^^

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

how important of certificate is

Why All the big company request their employee have high education level...
but one things , is that certificate is important than certificate ?
As one of my friend said, certificate is just like a filter to a candidate apply their job.
Some how, a people who have 5 years experience with only SPM certificate, other is a fresh graduated in degree cert...
if you are the boss, which should you hired into ur company

Life is like a cycle
Born---> study ---> work ---> married --> work

end up.. u still need to work also

half part of ur life is working

some people said why not spend some time to study .since u working until u die

If you continue study until u get higher certificate..
but end up .. u still want to work as well

but if u study until 25.. was is too late in ur work field

but get high certificate can get high salary than non-education but high experince

damn person

i wonder why a gays not gentlemen at all
scolding me all in rude word
what i done ??
tear me in thousand peice

Keep said want sex with me
sure i reject u ..
i got boy friend ... ==.
feel so speechelss to u
i treat u as my bro
end up..
damn disappointing to u
bad emotion
 cant u just controlling ur month ???

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Hehe .. a day we meet up .. happy and enjoy
We had been 2 week didnt meet each other 
u see.. we are not long distance relationship,
 he and i stay in ipoh as well 
but less chance to meet.. too bad 

I do appreciated every time we spend together, 
i try controlling my hot temper  

So we went to aeon did some child things take photo..wahahah... 

11/4/2010 This was the first time we took photo             23/11/2012 PHOTO               

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2012 End world. Don you believe it




但。。 有许许多多的传闻出来





从小到 大
是, 资质 差, 没有好的基础
好不容易找到一个PR 符合我的条件

三年后, 还是回来做ACCOUNT
1, 我还没玩过
2, 还没旅行
3,    不想出外面跑




Monday, November 19, 2012

Mood down

I am damn damn damn stupid in this family..
Yes.. i WEIRD in MAT;Hematic..
at least i did try my best score AN As in SPM
Yesterday mum said why i didn't know anythings in account ? did u took this subject in form 5
Hey, mother, Form 5 things is just a basic things , sommore , i was 3 years does not touch any things abouo t account
Let me go please

Last day, Palace Rose's uncle asked about my future..
i was worrying my future ,, what wil be the next step..

Be honest to said.. i believed in 2012 will be end world
did i suck !!
how if that is nothing happen...
i just trying to escape...
i know this is a funny reason

Hewit said that i not 生性..
don have plan ><
ya.. i admit about that ><

People all busy working
and i? just lepak here and there
i did plan to work in genting ..
but ..
keep the word "but " in my mind
why but??
but about what ?
i don't know what the "but" is

I keep worring..
but worring nothing ...
just keep things but no action

Stupid kuan pooi seen ...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


3 days 2 nights back packing to Singapore
This was the first time we went to Singapore independently which bringing without parent, We did prepare homework about the location and the MRT line, although Singapore not a big country but in order to not wasting our time, we were call out some friend guilds us  to go Some famous place which must go through
So, lets start about the trip
We took bus on 8/11/2012 at 9.30p.m with luxury bus due to had sit for 9 hours only can reach. What does it mean luxury bus ? Oh yeah, the seat place which is more larger than standard bus and attach with a tv in each seat place.
While we reach Johor custom, we should go down to show our passport to determine we are going to leave MALAYSIA, after half an hour, pass by a bridge, Yeah , we reached SINGAPORE!!
While reached Bolly which is the first bus station. Again, show the passport to the custom and take down your entire bag. After 45mins reached Singapore second Bus station: golden Mine:
Freaking feel excited and challenge because we gonna walk for 900m to LAVENDAR mrt. We were looking at the map and ask people to double confirm the location. (6.35)
Keep walking and shooting photo, time fast. WE REACHED LAVENDAR MRT.!!  (7.40)
But our friend gonna meet up with us at 8.30a.m

We go china town to check in ourhotel and put down our stuff,. But , unfortunately, check in time on 12p.m. OH MY GOD, we still need to taking care our beg and walk around. Luckily our friend WAI KIN brings us took breakfast than move to UNIVERSAL STUDION ;P  

10.30 AM àwe went to UNIVERSAL STUDIO because people saying that it was a very nice place must go.   YES,  is so truth, few theme available there like mami, transformer. Disney .and etc.. don talk to much.. Lets see some pics ;p 
This was the MAMI theme 

Fairy tale theme ... 

Disney theme 

Unfortunately, its rain heavy suddenly, we cant even continue of our next schedule to Sentosa watching for the music fountain . >< too bad

We went back to hotel rest for 1 hour than sing k and supper until 3.30. a.m ..
What a tiring day.. 

 The second, wake up on early around 10.30 am went to bugis street, took some breakfast and people said the cloth is most cheaper in Singapore
Yes, it is. some leng leng cloths only charge $10 per each.. but converted to Malaysia, it was charge for RM20.5 leh.. wuwu

One things that i feel exaggerated and hot temper for the SALE GIRL from adeline company which is sale the facial treatement, i force to pay for$ 39 ..
What a long story to talk
while we walking around
suddenly a sale girl keep asking YAN going take a lot about their things , not to buy. just listen.. than another girl push me to other way sale their product
AT FIRST. they talk nicely that need not buy their product, they just provide a free sample for us..  okay.. fine .. i just listend .. slowly, she said my face not that nice and bla bla bla...
than show me a survey form , i though just help her fill in and not to buy.. who know she wrote a receipt to me ><
i hold her immediate and reject!! But she keep saying cannot delete the receipt., request me to buy it... i felt like run away on the spot.. my yan was listen and paying money to other sale girl .. see.. i cant run anymore !! /
whatthefuck... really tulan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Around 3p.m .. we meet up with WAIKIN, he really a kind heart ,curi come out bring us go to MBS ,SINGAPORE FLYER AND etc...
 that we walked till leg pain ; exhausted, non stop walking from explander to marina bay sand, to merlion park .. crazy walking trip.. whole body wetting.

Dad keep asking us go the garden by the bay which is whole plants available thre .. and is the places must go and see... but .. we didnt ;p hehe.. 

We walked until 6.45 p.m .Chris come out meetup with us and waiting for the time pass until 8.30 to watch the FREE MUSIC FOUNTAIN at MBS there , come out some music and with some light on the sea... Unfortunately, we see nothings . miss the time liao >< 
 Than walk to merlion park , PASS BY clark kuey..
One things i can tell that SINGAPORE does not have any beggar and feel secure over thre..
THEY TOLD us that once the police meet up beggar will punish for$500 , so everyone must apply a licience to show some challenge in order to own money and not allow to get free lunch ;p haha

 How good.. how if malaysia can be like that


Waking on early morning.. we bought 10.30 p.m bus... but 11a.m need to check out..  After check out.. walk around at china town, buy some sorvernor   to our friend 
. $ 10 FOR 30.. okay.. deal....
There is no place available for us to go.. every scene we went to.. so, we decided to go to Golden mine see neither can exchange the bus ticket or not..
We walk tO lavenadar MRT.. than try to use another way reach GOLDEN MINE, since nothings to do..
We walk,, we look around.. suddenly lost location ... theng looking at the map... hospital, bank. YEA, YEA,, GO STRAIGHT WE CAN MEET golden mine..
HUH.... we reached.. and we saw a bus started engine.. and run to the conutner ask for exhange.. luckily.. WE DID IT ON LAST MINUTES ...
counter holding the bus driver let us took bus to ipoh..
We should know that not often can change bus thicket actually.. need luck badly
12.00 p.m Bus driver was waiting for us exchanged to ticket

END UP... we reached ipoh at 9.30 p.,m 
  • 9.30 p.m --> took bus to SINGAPORE

  • 6.45 a.m. --> Reached SINGAPORE 
  • 8.30 A.M. -->WAI KIN brings us too breakfast
  • 10.30 a.m.-->meet up with chris
  •                  --> went to UNIVERSAL STUDIO, Pass by Sentosa
  •   6.30 p.m  --> Back hotel rest for 2 hours 
  • 8.00 p.m --> Dinner 
  • 9.00 p.m   --> SING K 
  • 1.00 a.m     -> Supper 
  • 3.30A.M    --> Back  HOTEL

  • 10.00 a.m  --> Bugis street 
  • 3.00  p.m.  -->Singapore flyer, Marina bay sand , Garden by the bay, 
  • 8.00p.m   --> meet up with chris
  • 8.30  p.m. --> Merlion park , Clark kuey 
  • 9.00p.m --> bACK HOTEL 
  • 11.00 p.m. --> Dinner (DONG BEI CHAI ) 
  • 2.00 a.m . --> Back hotel 

  •  11.00 a.m. --> Checkout 
  •  11.15 a.m --> Walk to china town 
  • 11.30 a.m --> walk to golden mine 
  • 12.00p.m --> walk a big round 
  •  12.15 p.m. -->Reach golden mine 
  • 12.20 p.m -->change ticket 
  • 12.30 p.m.--> Going back 
  • 9.30. p.m -->Reached ipoh 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Convocation day

3 years and one month studies had been ended here. We should be happy that we was complected butt freaking feel like miss the moment so much wish that can flash back to the past and pause on that moment,
fOR Me my self. i totally loss my direction , i don even know what could i step for the next
I was escape for 3 month . measuring floor with pass my time
what should i do
Graduate same to loss ur goal
u need to create a new GOAL and accomplish it
By right
Come back to my convocation process in the whole day
we woke up at 6am , get ready prepare to make up and etc
than shooting at 8pm

Let's start the convocation
The speaker start talking
and it like turn fast
is time to shake hand on stage
i need to do some challenge
which is move my hand while im on stage
end up
 yes , i did it
but get complain by DR CHOY
what the hell is she
just try to express the happiest
need so formal keep quiet in all the time
boring u know ><
 ignore about it
around 12pm, we all started to have photo shooting with friend in the strong sun
alamak.. freaking hot at that time
and yet
dark jor ..wuwuwu

Thursday, September 6, 2012


After finish playing badminton with my dearest friend
One of my friend ask a question about what we are in our personality...

Q1.. Describe a forest on your impression

Q2 .. Did you enter the house while you are walking into the forest ?

Q3.. U feel like freaking thirst right now, a sudden of a glass of water come in front of you , Did you drink for it ?

Q4... suddenly, you realize that a bullion (gold ) in front of you , Did you take and possession of it ?

Q5.. You had been walk for half an hour, how many Pegasus appear to you ?

Q6... You pass after a lake, and now in front have a river. but a KINGKONG trying to crush to your way.                                       What will you do .     a) forward, run back to the house in the forest    B) forward, run back to the lake  c) step on to the river

Q7... The rate of 1 to 10 , 1 is slow , 10 is fast. How may rate fluency of the river that u give ?

 Q1-->is to see what are you personality

Q2--> how was relationship between you and your family

Q3--> How much you willing to share you secret with other people ( if you does not drink means that u                                                keep   it   for your own , drink means u like to share with people )

Q4--> How many true love you have

Q5-->If you take the bullion = you like to challenge 

Q6-->when you facing some problem , who will try to plaint you unhappiness
       A)your family
       B) girl friend/ boy friend
       C ) SEX
Q7 --> the desire of your sex life


This year might have a lot of bad luck come to me ..
i WAS biting by my dog -JJ
How pain was it
i cries after
i visited doctor and charge me for RM70

only clean my injure and injection

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mission completed

I was finished interview on last day.. It was my first time interview for a job..
what to say is like ... an ants on the hot bowl
nervous and tension

wE arrived the HR department around 9.30a.m.
some of my friend didnt prepare they resume for they interview it made evryone of them panic ...
No choice, fill up the form first than ....
there was around 200++ person waiting at there when we reached..
can u imagine that how long we had been wait at there...

around 11++ p.m somethings., one of our gang'sname  was calling by the interviewee..
Sound great... turn us...
im waiting and waiting...
All my friend was interviwed but why not me ><
i was waiting for 4 hours

 aowww...awsome.. is me ..the person is calling me !! great
When i get into the room, the interviewee request me to wear off my shoes to check about my heigh
When i get to sit
She check about my resume, my result ,my cover letter


introduce urself .
what do you know about GSA?
How you know about this job
Did you apply Genting WORLD card?
Do you know what the purpose of this genting world card ?
How you going to slove thiss problem if u saw somebody shouting at lobby?
Tell about family background.
Do you think that you are the an talkactive person ?
When was you  available to start work?
Is it you update contact number ?
"Thankieww..  if you get our call within 2 week, if not..which means sorry that u are not approved "

I was so depress after interviewed
the reason why is because of my performence
Freaking feel like weird, akward
Im not able to perform well at there.. quite nervous ><

Who am i ? i pooi seen lehh.. pooi seen present skill was steady and funny ger mah..
why come out a shit things in interview!! what the hell going on

Im do prepare well of everythings like cover letter ,resume, wear tidy.
End up. did this kind of stupid things
2 of my friend was recieve call from the HR department to have the second interview
Congrate to them ;)

Aikzz...  NO PAIN NO gain
失败是 成功之母
 i learnt!!

let's start our mission that did in genting
 it really challege to 4 of us : no room, wearing the beg 24 hour and etc....

The challenge that we did was no room at genting
19'c on that day...
sOME of us wearing 3 jacket, sommore long john...
can you imagine how cold is is
freaking tiring at that day after interview

We lepak here and there..went out stay outside let the wind blow on us. fuhhh... so cold.... ><
One things that made my shock is that 3p,. still have a lot of people out there..
and lobby full of people...
i might be curious that why they don want go back to their rooom? or they want to do some challege like us  ;p  hehe

but no choice .. we did promise must do sometings that we never did!haha
so.. mission complete!!  YEAHHHH

We bought 2 days theme park which means 96 for all park and 2 days..
quite cheap for 2 day..
Due to the driver change our depart time  to morning shift
we force to sell our ticket to somebody
We trying to persuade people to biy our ticket..
Some people does not believe on us !
 due to have alot cheating case at there
tRY again

an adult ticket normall charge for 66 but now we sell for 30
very cheap!!! and valueable
When we was approach a family to buy the ticket.. some of them trying to avoid us , but some people believe us.. They was consider around 15 mins if not mistaken ..
End up... we suscess!! hahahha.. PR student!!!

Some unhappy things :

IN the begining , we planned to have 6 people joining  but due to some problem , 2 fellow cannot join us.
When we planned for everythings like bought for 2 days them park and watch movie at 1.30a.m
Everytings was under planning
Suddenly, the driver said there is no sit place for 1 person
So.. 1 of us need to go back right now than another 3 back on tomorrow !

what the fuck ... UNCLE, when we was paying you money at morning.. you had been said that we back on tomorrow.
suddenly said no place to 1 of us..
Did u know your management is extremely weird!!
are you trying to bully us because we are teenanger!!s

Luckily Idid ask you where you jot down us.. if not .. i donnoe where u gonna put us
SEcond time !!! manage very bad!!
u said that our area does not match to your schedule due to 4 of us is not under this session!!
HELLO UNCLE,, you the one arrange us move to morning shift.. we already say we wan back on everning !!

Your real reason is to save ur petrol .!!
than bullying us !!
You never things of our security
How if we get any harm or accident !!
Your responsible is to fetch people no matter how far it was
At first
We trying to suit with your scedule , went to gunung rapat waited for you ..some people stay at tasik and  bercham and other area..
Now , you said not under ur sceducle !! Jot down us at MENGELEMBU..
 than what for we paying you money ..
no next time !!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

before saturday

Tomorrow will be the  first time for my life -interview ...
I will go with all my fellow friend around 6-7 people take part in GSA position hope will get the post

Sometime, i really feel speechless to one of my friend who always did the last minutes work
We did plan well everythings, but the fellow suddenly cant get a van go to interview..
ALLAH,,, of course lar.. last minutes call for the driver.. keep seaching the driver contact number ask from other friend... Luckily ... the problem had been solved within few hour...  phewww....

But... there will have around 200++ go there to interview.
Aow.. once i get the news i feel shock of it
what wrong ?? why so many people wanna get this job har?
LOL... the reason why is that  interview session combine with last saturday and tomorrow since that is a public holiday on last saturday ....

We gonna wear formal to there..can you imagine that wearing a high heel and formal cloth to genting ...
ummm... macam very pro gam ;p

Hope we all can get the the post ba ..

Thursday, August 16, 2012

cpr gathering

Guys.. Hope u all can understand what i trying to said since my english not so good .Im happy that we had a last gathering at last nights although some of them did not attend, but is okay.. as long as u have your own reason ;p 
sexy opinion : 
Im glad that can be a (little ) part in yours life . Although i am not famous enough but i glad to have a true friend like u guys (debbie, 2012) 
From 2009 we meet up, 2012 we say bye bye.. 
And yet. 3 year plus friendship  still can maintain. 

Yea, i admit that i am not clever enough , pronunciation not clear, always like a clown during presentation but as long as ... this is my style ^^ right ..haha . hope you guys can remember me in future ... 

This is the things that i can do, we rarely take a group photo seriously.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The only feeling right now !! i feel so scare for tomorrow paper
that is no confident on me anymore
since i did perform badly on last 2 paper
awkward .... my A flies..
i could wish i get at least B
satisfied ><
god bless me ....

No matter how.. i must score 50 marks full on question 1 and 2 ..
because i am weak in A3,4 which is translate in bm.. i knew my standard of language ..
and i was regretted what i taking bm and English, not chines bm and English

Monday, August 13, 2012

Girls ...u know.. i would so proud to be friend with you guys
I`m appreciated that we can stay together with 3 year in our studies...
Lets start with this fellow that i first meet up... named YEAH..
She was a person like an ant on the hot bow.. what does it means? LOL kinda have a chili characteristic..
whatever or whenever she dislike .. her cognative will spread it out... NOT ALLOW ENTER INTO her world ;p KINda cute and funny spend time with her .. straight forward ,slightly lazy but smart.. god is always unfair to people who hardworking but not clever enuf.. there is not 100 prefect in this world..
But once a while , i was leave with their gang.. since they called as 4 flower ;p haha...
A news that i received that she was born a chill but without married
my dear..please married in order to let ur son have a honor ;p hehe

A girl called leng leng,. she are the beaty ever that i meet up.. she was fair skin with long leg and big eyes looks like a doll, with a sheep's characteristic which is softness,kind and humble..but not well in learning skill SEE.. people have no 100 percent perfect right. HAve pros and cons . She was not look up her head when walking.., she shy >< wahahaha... how cute she is... Recently,.. me and her was close.. can u imagine that the pictures people keep looking at you ,and yet i stare to the person that watching u ;p In fact, people might do compare who more pretty,, see.. leng leng.. i become a clown ..haha.. i feel so happy that u voice up something that u does not like rather than keep quiet over thre.

A girl who is my buddies ,with a pig characteristic ---> LAZY!!..AKA panda.. because do things slow and last minutes work but yet get a good result !!.. NOT FAIR god... she is the one  always make my laugh and make me crazy ... the one always tease footise infront of me .. what the fuck.. but true.. good friend will never talk nicely to you  see, this is how u treat me !CYT..----------->

 but to be honest.. i really like that the way we communicate ... ;p really feel like want to slap you in at the time!!!...hahahahahah....  that is not much of people that u can using this way to communicate well..Yet , we did it .. like han di lar , eat shit , deng lei.. etc... 

thE OTHER JI mui called future politician since she have an outlook to become a potential politician ..hahaha. Why said so, i did rememver the day we introduce ourself.. she is the only one that : " I WANT TO BE A POLITICIAN IN THE FUTURE. VOICE UP SOMETHING !!..aowww... how confident u are.. give a big big clap to u .... PROUD on you ..muacksss...You the one that i made up the first diploma student . How friendly we are ;p i treat u eat biscut where we donnoe each other .. You the one who don like to trust on people and independence ;p always stay on ur wolrd,  LUicly you know us ..i bring u out from the black and white world..can u see how colorful is it in this world..hehehe... 

An AH GUA. named BATMAN.. we wonder why we never fall in love to this fellow !! why why why.. ahahahah..... he is smart enough seriously, blind his eye can get a new idea.. we all are confident and does not need to do much in our assignment because his wife and him will settle all the things.. thankieww... 

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