
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mission completed

I was finished interview on last day.. It was my first time interview for a job..
what to say is like ... an ants on the hot bowl
nervous and tension

wE arrived the HR department around 9.30a.m.
some of my friend didnt prepare they resume for they interview it made evryone of them panic ...
No choice, fill up the form first than ....
there was around 200++ person waiting at there when we reached..
can u imagine that how long we had been wait at there...

around 11++ p.m somethings., one of our gang'sname  was calling by the interviewee..
Sound great... turn us...
im waiting and waiting...
All my friend was interviwed but why not me ><
i was waiting for 4 hours

 aowww...awsome.. is me ..the person is calling me !! great
When i get into the room, the interviewee request me to wear off my shoes to check about my heigh
When i get to sit
She check about my resume, my result ,my cover letter


introduce urself .
what do you know about GSA?
How you know about this job
Did you apply Genting WORLD card?
Do you know what the purpose of this genting world card ?
How you going to slove thiss problem if u saw somebody shouting at lobby?
Tell about family background.
Do you think that you are the an talkactive person ?
When was you  available to start work?
Is it you update contact number ?
"Thankieww..  if you get our call within 2 week, if not..which means sorry that u are not approved "

I was so depress after interviewed
the reason why is because of my performence
Freaking feel like weird, akward
Im not able to perform well at there.. quite nervous ><

Who am i ? i pooi seen lehh.. pooi seen present skill was steady and funny ger mah..
why come out a shit things in interview!! what the hell going on

Im do prepare well of everythings like cover letter ,resume, wear tidy.
End up. did this kind of stupid things
2 of my friend was recieve call from the HR department to have the second interview
Congrate to them ;)

Aikzz...  NO PAIN NO gain
失败是 成功之母
 i learnt!!

let's start our mission that did in genting
 it really challege to 4 of us : no room, wearing the beg 24 hour and etc....

The challenge that we did was no room at genting
19'c on that day...
sOME of us wearing 3 jacket, sommore long john...
can you imagine how cold is is
freaking tiring at that day after interview

We lepak here and there..went out stay outside let the wind blow on us. fuhhh... so cold.... ><
One things that made my shock is that 3p,. still have a lot of people out there..
and lobby full of people...
i might be curious that why they don want go back to their rooom? or they want to do some challege like us  ;p  hehe

but no choice .. we did promise must do sometings that we never did!haha
so.. mission complete!!  YEAHHHH

We bought 2 days theme park which means 96 for all park and 2 days..
quite cheap for 2 day..
Due to the driver change our depart time  to morning shift
we force to sell our ticket to somebody
We trying to persuade people to biy our ticket..
Some people does not believe on us !
 due to have alot cheating case at there
tRY again

an adult ticket normall charge for 66 but now we sell for 30
very cheap!!! and valueable
When we was approach a family to buy the ticket.. some of them trying to avoid us , but some people believe us.. They was consider around 15 mins if not mistaken ..
End up... we suscess!! hahahha.. PR student!!!

Some unhappy things :

IN the begining , we planned to have 6 people joining  but due to some problem , 2 fellow cannot join us.
When we planned for everythings like bought for 2 days them park and watch movie at 1.30a.m
Everytings was under planning
Suddenly, the driver said there is no sit place for 1 person
So.. 1 of us need to go back right now than another 3 back on tomorrow !

what the fuck ... UNCLE, when we was paying you money at morning.. you had been said that we back on tomorrow.
suddenly said no place to 1 of us..
Did u know your management is extremely weird!!
are you trying to bully us because we are teenanger!!s

Luckily Idid ask you where you jot down us.. if not .. i donnoe where u gonna put us
SEcond time !!! manage very bad!!
u said that our area does not match to your schedule due to 4 of us is not under this session!!
HELLO UNCLE,, you the one arrange us move to morning shift.. we already say we wan back on everning !!

Your real reason is to save ur petrol .!!
than bullying us !!
You never things of our security
How if we get any harm or accident !!
Your responsible is to fetch people no matter how far it was
At first
We trying to suit with your scedule , went to gunung rapat waited for you ..some people stay at tasik and  bercham and other area..
Now , you said not under ur sceducle !! Jot down us at MENGELEMBU..
 than what for we paying you money ..
no next time !!!


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