
Thursday, September 6, 2012


After finish playing badminton with my dearest friend
One of my friend ask a question about what we are in our personality...

Q1.. Describe a forest on your impression

Q2 .. Did you enter the house while you are walking into the forest ?

Q3.. U feel like freaking thirst right now, a sudden of a glass of water come in front of you , Did you drink for it ?

Q4... suddenly, you realize that a bullion (gold ) in front of you , Did you take and possession of it ?

Q5.. You had been walk for half an hour, how many Pegasus appear to you ?

Q6... You pass after a lake, and now in front have a river. but a KINGKONG trying to crush to your way.                                       What will you do .     a) forward, run back to the house in the forest    B) forward, run back to the lake  c) step on to the river

Q7... The rate of 1 to 10 , 1 is slow , 10 is fast. How may rate fluency of the river that u give ?

 Q1-->is to see what are you personality

Q2--> how was relationship between you and your family

Q3--> How much you willing to share you secret with other people ( if you does not drink means that u                                                keep   it   for your own , drink means u like to share with people )

Q4--> How many true love you have

Q5-->If you take the bullion = you like to challenge 

Q6-->when you facing some problem , who will try to plaint you unhappiness
       A)your family
       B) girl friend/ boy friend
       C ) SEX
Q7 --> the desire of your sex life


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