Girls ...u know.. i would so proud to be friend with you guys
I`m appreciated that we can stay together with 3 year in our studies...

Lets start with this fellow that i first meet up... named YEAH..
She was a person like an ant on the hot bow.. what does it means? LOL kinda have a chili characteristic..
whatever or whenever she dislike .. her cognative will spread it out... NOT ALLOW ENTER INTO her world ;p KINda cute and funny spend time with her .. straight forward ,slightly lazy but smart.. god is always unfair to people who hardworking but not clever enuf.. there is not 100 prefect in this world..
But once a while , i was leave with their gang.. since they called as 4 flower ;p haha...
A news that i received that she was born a chill but without married
my dear..please married in order to let ur son have a honor ;p hehe

A girl called leng leng,. she are the beaty ever that i meet up.. she was fair skin with long leg and big eyes looks like a doll, with a sheep's characteristic which is softness,kind and humble..but not well in learning skill SEE.. people have no 100 percent perfect right. HAve pros and cons . She was not look up her head when walking.., she shy >< wahahaha... how cute she is... Recently,.. me and her was close.. can u imagine that the pictures people keep looking at you ,and yet i stare to the person that watching u ;p In fact, people might do compare who more pretty,, see.. leng leng.. i become a clown ..haha.. i feel so happy that u voice up something that u does not like rather than keep quiet over thre.

A girl who is my buddies ,with a pig characteristic ---> LAZY!!..AKA panda.. because do things slow and last minutes work but yet get a good result !!.. NOT FAIR god... she is the one always make my laugh and make me crazy ... the one always tease footise infront of me .. what the fuck.. but true.. good friend will never talk nicely to you
see, this is how u treat me !CYT..----------->
but to be honest.. i really like that the way we communicate ... ;p really feel like want to slap you in at the time!!!...hahahahahah.... that is not much of people that u can using this way to communicate well..Yet , we did it .. like han di lar , eat shit , deng lei.. etc...
thE OTHER JI mui called future politician since she have an outlook to become a potential politician ..hahaha. Why said so, i did rememver the day we introduce ourself.. she is the only one that : " I WANT TO BE A POLITICIAN IN THE FUTURE. VOICE UP SOMETHING !!..aowww... how confident u are.. give a big big clap to u .... PROUD on you ..muacksss...You the one that i made up the first diploma student . How friendly we are ;p i treat u eat biscut where we donnoe each other .. You the one who don like to trust on people and independence ;p always stay on ur wolrd, LUicly you know us ..i bring u out from the black and white world..can u see how colorful is it in this world..hehehe...

An AH GUA. named BATMAN.. we wonder why we never fall in love to this fellow !! why why why.. ahahahah..... he is smart enough seriously, blind his eye can get a new idea.. we all are confident and does not need to do much in our assignment because his wife and him will settle all the things.. thankieww...
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