
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2012 End world. Don you believe it




但。。 有许许多多的传闻出来












A firefighter uses a flare gun to set a backfire in the rugged area of Little Tujunga Canyon, north of Los Angeles in the early hours of October 12

Let us flash back some disaster in recently The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan Earthquake was a deadly earthquake that measured at 8.0 Mand 7.9 Mwoccurred at  on Monday, May 12, 2008 in SichuanLet us flash back some disaster in recently The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan Earthquake was a deadly earthquake that measured at 8.0 Mand 7.9 Mwoccurred at  on Monday, May 12, 2008 in SichuanLet us flash back some disaster in recently The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan Earthquake was a deadly earthquake that measured at 8.0 Mand 7.9 Mwoccurred at  on Monday, May 12, 2008 in SichuanLet us flash back some disaster in recently The 2008 Sichuan earthquake or the Great Sichuan Earthquake was a deadly earthquake that measured at 8.0 Mand 7.9 Mwoccurred at  on Monday, May 12, 2008 in Sichuan

chaiten volcano , chile 31 5 2008

lflood waters in the Indian state of Bihar on September 7, after a breach in the embankments of the Kosi river, north of a dam in Nepal

September 12 photo, a home burns on the beach on Galveston Island, Texas, as Hurricane Ike approaches


A huge tornado funnel cloud touches down in Orchard, Iowa, on June 10, at 9:04pm

shanyang country , july 22 

September 15 as flood waters caused by Hurricane Ike recede, in West Orange, Texas. Other than that , A young male lion rests near the altar of the First Baptist Church of Crystal City, Texas, on 16 September. The lion was a part of a zoo, and was left in the church by its owner to ride out Hurricane Ike

1 ) Japan – Earthquake (8.9) and Tsunami – March 11 2011

2 ) New Zealand Christ Church – Earthquake – Feb 22 2011

3 ) China – Hailstorm – April 18 2011

Years 2012 

New York -- SANDY

 China, Beijing , 哈尔滨--暴雪风

Asturialia-- 倾盆大雨, 一天有4000 次的响 雷

Philipian.. tai feng.. 'DEC 1000 ++ people invloved

Japan, earthquake , DEC, 7.3 level

Taiwan.. water flood 

Switchland 暴雪风

malaysia water flood.. 10 meter square 


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