
Sunday, August 12, 2012

To my special friend

 i wonder why, Are u trying to act or u really are ? ;p 
Girls.. can u try to be more smarter , kinda give some advice to you since we had been know more 3 years ++ ....
Your Guess Is As Good As MineSome people told me that  you was help to pay for u honey in all expense ,  how many time we had been told u that dont!! DONT!! fINE  Leopard Can't Change His Spots ...never mind.. this might be your style ... Second things, UR DARLING did not holding ur hand while hang out.some more put hand  inside pocket, act like nobody ><  what the hell going on ... calm down ... i could be "holding my horse" .aRE YOU  OKAY? 
Third ,  your relationship getting worse ...third party!! .
  i have my Principe, Bite my Tongue does not want to bother you ,worries that we gonna war again like An Axe To Grind: 

Friend,im gonna  Lost my Head , How can you still be with the fellow>< what a such ridiculous occurring on you >< 

How much of ur  tolerance and patience you have ? Three of you stay in a room .. Hollyshit,,,to be honestly, u should do semethings like Hit The Nail on the Head. Leave the fellow !! it is not a big deal.. u still have other right choose or good person is waiting for you !! ... USE UR LOAF

  One thing we all might be curious that..............How much you love the person ? How much the person like you >?  OR else.. YOU GUYS kinda fullfiledl  the so called "sexual activities or lonely "  

 YOU did change a lot ... Your changes have pros and cons .. PROS is getting confidential and smart. Cons is  too annoying, make trouble on people indirectly although you did not realize that. but honestly to said, that is "non of ur business "when we all chit charting ,., forgive me to use such rude word...  
You are a good person actually,, but tendency to inclined  way. 


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