
Thursday, August 23, 2012

before saturday

Tomorrow will be the  first time for my life -interview ...
I will go with all my fellow friend around 6-7 people take part in GSA position hope will get the post

Sometime, i really feel speechless to one of my friend who always did the last minutes work
We did plan well everythings, but the fellow suddenly cant get a van go to interview..
ALLAH,,, of course lar.. last minutes call for the driver.. keep seaching the driver contact number ask from other friend... Luckily ... the problem had been solved within few hour...  phewww....

But... there will have around 200++ go there to interview.
Aow.. once i get the news i feel shock of it
what wrong ?? why so many people wanna get this job har?
LOL... the reason why is that  interview session combine with last saturday and tomorrow since that is a public holiday on last saturday ....

We gonna wear formal to there..can you imagine that wearing a high heel and formal cloth to genting ...
ummm... macam very pro gam ;p

Hope we all can get the the post ba ..

Thursday, August 16, 2012

cpr gathering

Guys.. Hope u all can understand what i trying to said since my english not so good .Im happy that we had a last gathering at last nights although some of them did not attend, but is okay.. as long as u have your own reason ;p 
sexy opinion : 
Im glad that can be a (little ) part in yours life . Although i am not famous enough but i glad to have a true friend like u guys (debbie, 2012) 
From 2009 we meet up, 2012 we say bye bye.. 
And yet. 3 year plus friendship  still can maintain. 

Yea, i admit that i am not clever enough , pronunciation not clear, always like a clown during presentation but as long as ... this is my style ^^ right ..haha . hope you guys can remember me in future ... 

This is the things that i can do, we rarely take a group photo seriously.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


The only feeling right now !! i feel so scare for tomorrow paper
that is no confident on me anymore
since i did perform badly on last 2 paper
awkward .... my A flies..
i could wish i get at least B
satisfied ><
god bless me ....

No matter how.. i must score 50 marks full on question 1 and 2 ..
because i am weak in A3,4 which is translate in bm.. i knew my standard of language ..
and i was regretted what i taking bm and English, not chines bm and English

Monday, August 13, 2012

Girls ...u know.. i would so proud to be friend with you guys
I`m appreciated that we can stay together with 3 year in our studies...
Lets start with this fellow that i first meet up... named YEAH..
She was a person like an ant on the hot bow.. what does it means? LOL kinda have a chili characteristic..
whatever or whenever she dislike .. her cognative will spread it out... NOT ALLOW ENTER INTO her world ;p KINda cute and funny spend time with her .. straight forward ,slightly lazy but smart.. god is always unfair to people who hardworking but not clever enuf.. there is not 100 prefect in this world..
But once a while , i was leave with their gang.. since they called as 4 flower ;p haha...
A news that i received that she was born a chill but without married
my dear..please married in order to let ur son have a honor ;p hehe

A girl called leng leng,. she are the beaty ever that i meet up.. she was fair skin with long leg and big eyes looks like a doll, with a sheep's characteristic which is softness,kind and humble..but not well in learning skill SEE.. people have no 100 percent perfect right. HAve pros and cons . She was not look up her head when walking.., she shy >< wahahaha... how cute she is... Recently,.. me and her was close.. can u imagine that the pictures people keep looking at you ,and yet i stare to the person that watching u ;p In fact, people might do compare who more pretty,, see.. leng leng.. i become a clown ..haha.. i feel so happy that u voice up something that u does not like rather than keep quiet over thre.

A girl who is my buddies ,with a pig characteristic ---> LAZY!!..AKA panda.. because do things slow and last minutes work but yet get a good result !!.. NOT FAIR god... she is the one  always make my laugh and make me crazy ... the one always tease footise infront of me .. what the fuck.. but true.. good friend will never talk nicely to you  see, this is how u treat me !CYT..----------->

 but to be honest.. i really like that the way we communicate ... ;p really feel like want to slap you in at the time!!!...hahahahahah....  that is not much of people that u can using this way to communicate well..Yet , we did it .. like han di lar , eat shit , deng lei.. etc... 

thE OTHER JI mui called future politician since she have an outlook to become a potential politician ..hahaha. Why said so, i did rememver the day we introduce ourself.. she is the only one that : " I WANT TO BE A POLITICIAN IN THE FUTURE. VOICE UP SOMETHING !!..aowww... how confident u are.. give a big big clap to u .... PROUD on you ..muacksss...You the one that i made up the first diploma student . How friendly we are ;p i treat u eat biscut where we donnoe each other .. You the one who don like to trust on people and independence ;p always stay on ur wolrd,  LUicly you know us ..i bring u out from the black and white world..can u see how colorful is it in this world..hehehe... 

An AH GUA. named BATMAN.. we wonder why we never fall in love to this fellow !! why why why.. ahahahah..... he is smart enough seriously, blind his eye can get a new idea.. we all are confident and does not need to do much in our assignment because his wife and him will settle all the things.. thankieww... 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

To my special friend

 i wonder why, Are u trying to act or u really are ? ;p 
Girls.. can u try to be more smarter , kinda give some advice to you since we had been know more 3 years ++ ....
Your Guess Is As Good As MineSome people told me that  you was help to pay for u honey in all expense ,  how many time we had been told u that dont!! DONT!! fINE  Leopard Can't Change His Spots ...never mind.. this might be your style ... Second things, UR DARLING did not holding ur hand while hang out.some more put hand  inside pocket, act like nobody ><  what the hell going on ... calm down ... i could be "holding my horse" .aRE YOU  OKAY? 
Third ,  your relationship getting worse ...third party!! .
  i have my Principe, Bite my Tongue does not want to bother you ,worries that we gonna war again like An Axe To Grind: 

Friend,im gonna  Lost my Head , How can you still be with the fellow>< what a such ridiculous occurring on you >< 

How much of ur  tolerance and patience you have ? Three of you stay in a room .. Hollyshit,,,to be honestly, u should do semethings like Hit The Nail on the Head. Leave the fellow !! it is not a big deal.. u still have other right choose or good person is waiting for you !! ... USE UR LOAF

  One thing we all might be curious that..............How much you love the person ? How much the person like you >?  OR else.. YOU GUYS kinda fullfiledl  the so called "sexual activities or lonely "  

 YOU did change a lot ... Your changes have pros and cons .. PROS is getting confidential and smart. Cons is  too annoying, make trouble on people indirectly although you did not realize that. but honestly to said, that is "non of ur business "when we all chit charting ,., forgive me to use such rude word...  
You are a good person actually,, but tendency to inclined  way. 


╮(╯_╰)╭  i wonder why i did such mistake during exam..  BONUS MARKS fr us.. and yet.. i donnoe how to         answer ><  

Simple answer simple copy than can get 25 marks in pocket.. aowww... DAMN TO MYSELF 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

First paper in last semester

11th of August 2012
 Today was my first paper in final exam ...
 my feeling in freaking like get punch since i answer wrong about the question

the factor of response the affective
 i was wrote about the see and hear ..
supposing is feeling .. aow....

i do sincere hope that ms winny will give good pity marks to me
since i trying to write ><

Before i realized that my answer was wrong..
 i feel like satisfied to my performance on today...

 i DID it,,,,,,,,,,,,,

but after few minutes.. double check for the answer 

  this is what my expression after noted ><

ILLS... wuwuwuwuw...i don want.. i don want lose 16marks..
every marks is very important in my exam paper in this semester

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Epic day 2

Early in the morning .. brust up after woke up... asked my sis to snap a photo on me Immediately 
 Aowww.... it seem like  Get Down to Brass Tacks ><  

from green color.. turned into purple .. 

This is snap before i went to study room to have a small group revision with my buddies.. i keep urut my eye in order to let it recover back.. i gonna meet all people tomorrow..  it absolutely looks like a PANDA >< keep massage my eye... 
 freaking pain 

all people around me keep looking at me while im walking.. Housemate was curious about me .. why kena handam she said.. 

Somore... polis asked ..WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU, KENA HANDAM?? oh my godness.. cepat pigi hospital.. i tau u tahan lama nak nangis ><  pigi pigi ................

and now...boil an egg to massage.. people said that egg may 消肿,  is that the egg can absort the 淤血.. absolutely WRONG...

the function of the boil egg , is to reduce swollen since heat can reduce the 淤血 ...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

should be a good day..  unfortunately.. there was a bad day for me
is that the relationship between me and foo wal lun kinda like An Axe To Grind\

This for the second time he smash the ball on me 
First time was broke my hairband and my head getting swollen 
LEFT SIDE of my eye 
Second time .... eye swollen and with black green >< aoww..
Pain like hell ..

don cries..

but yet...Under the weather: ..too pain .. 
i keep crying when i face to Yan in home 
Calling mum and darren, told about my ill... 
non stop crying ... 
i loss control 

the bad yan and mum and theng keep  laughing when saw my pic >< 

End up

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

You and me

Take some pics before i leave KAMPAR 
Totally up all those photo from 2010 to 2012 

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