Last day for month of JULY and my last day spend time with all my colleges friendssss.. Time flies and final exam is Against The Clock. Friend we all are All In The Same Boat right now . So work hard together fight with the last final exam in our DIPLOMA!! HURRAY HIT THE BOOKS,. Kinda feel like miss them very much. I realize that KAMPAR was a nice place actually, WHY ? because i going to miss this place very soon. All my belonging friend will be move to another stage to their life.
what about me?
How was my result actually , i work harder with my previous exam i cant get a seven colour of result t ,Barking Up The Wrong Tree (mistake made in something you are trying to achieve) , there was a Doozy (outstanding) question perhaps . however, is okay for me, this is a motivation for me to work hard on next .. You can do it. I wish to get 4.0 for my last sem .haha when pigs fly. bUT I WILL always tell myself, Pick up your ears POOI SEEN, you are the best like Icing On The Cake (When you already have it good and get something on top of what you already have) because you had been done the best!!
In my colleges , i had some on my friends were talk active, she were Drive someone up the wall: To irritate and/or annoy very much wherever i went to , i still can hear their sound . Sometime, kinda feel annoying with it ,HEY, can you Put a sock in it & Bite Your Tongue (To avoid talking) ;p freaking feel like wanna Chew someone out (verbally scold someone). But someday , she was cute and funny to Crack Someone up, (laugh)
i did remember one of my friend told me in this situation , she Get Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed on a day, (Someone who is having a horrible day) .a friend keep ask lending soemthing from her, My friend trying to rejected in a indirectly manner , but this fellow keep asking and does not aware how was my friend feeling, my friend was Lost his Head (Angry and overcome by emotions.) Actually why ? why this fellow request somethings from other, and yet don even try to put any effort. If you had been show how effort u work with it, people might consider to borrow you, You don concentrate while lecturer teaching, Hey, are u come to study? >< Lmao Among a group of people, surely that will have some rumor , Rumor was somethings that we unaable to control of it, it might be fake and might be true, don even care much about this .. but this fellow was worries that people talking bad behind, so trying to act thicky face to close with us,. Sometimes, i really feel Mumbo Jumbo: (Nonsense or meaningless speech) toward this fellow, The best way that i can do like Mum's the word (keep quiet)
When we saw her coming , we will Beating Around The Bush:with our topics .Dont say like we avoid this fellow, kinda feel like this is not your business right, u sudden join in and we need to tell you all again, no meaning right? if a matter than u are involved , surely we will ask for you. I DO remember, i had a fight with her on previous. I don even talk with her for few month , It Takes Two To Tango (two person conflict where both people are at fault).aow... a big mistake between this fellow and me. i totally speechless toward her personality, so. break you legs
Always remind to urself Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining: (Be optomistic, even difficult times will lead to better days)
i always Cry Over Spilt Milk (complain about a loss from the past.) to darren. kinda feel like he own me a lot since i get a deep hurt frm him. Hmmm.. I
Not Playing With a Full Deck perhaps (not intelligence )>< What can i do ....
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A big Welcoming to sista or bro have fun & enjoy here. have a good day ^^
simple me

about p.seen
kinda Want 2 share a little part of jenny's life thought-out here :-
-it couldf be focus more on
-Travel experience
-Food exposure
-Whitening skin
-College life
-Personal stuff
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