
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

PLKn 会变黑?

LOl..!! sorry to all reader

i just went back from Singapore to visiting business market ..

i did learnt a lot after came back from Singapore .

u know what, some of the Singaporean said sin

umm,.. let's continue my national service life.

what the most frequent question  people tell me after  came out from national service

"oh , jenny, u looks like a malay"

heyy..i knew it

Don't put the salt on my injury wey..



 how much different am i . All my sista and bro did not hurt me.

 Always said that im looks sporty in dark skin. i knew that wanna

comfort me and not to hurting my tender heart^^

Im scare to looking into the mirror seriously.

why others does not looks dark like me.

They always play under the hot sun

but Im the one who always hide under the tree and


why still....

my conclusion...

 should be.. when jenny meet up with the sun light ..

automatically she will be photosynthesis kinda feel like im

the plant which doing process of converting light energy to 

chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar


Yet, my volleyball skill will getting power.hahaha

Spot my face and hand skin colour 

you should know what was our training time that we did practice in volleyball.

  • 6.45 a.m -7.45a.m 
  • 8.30a.m - 10.30a.m 
  • 11a.m  12.30a.m 
  • 2.30 p.m- 4.30 p.m
  • 5.30p.m -6.30p.m 
Sound like we train so hard right.

haha.. actually we just lepak there 

I did enjoy spent time with all those volleyball mate 

even though it was under the hot sun

but i believe that among of our volleyball mate's relationship is much more stronger than other.

Since we wasn't kawat kaki .. we was just training


i think there were a lot of people jealous about us

Because  we was the gang who always get the permission hang

 out with wira and wirawati,

we can went out for shopping after finish friendly match,

we wira and wirawati  can sit together in the bus.

     Do u know how strong our team was actually!!

we really have hope to get into PUTRAJAYA

but DUE TO have some changing.. *wira

few of our main key player could not take part of the tournament

That why we lose the game.

Actually i wonder why the national service strictly not allow male and female stay together

* i mean just stand like

Once one of the teacher saw that, 

he or she would just restrict u guys continue the conversation

and give a information through the SPEAKER

"wira nad wirawati, sila balik tempat masing-masing"

i was like.. come on.. just chit-charting..

what should we could do by just standing on the public weyy.. 

be open minded lar..

Sometime i really got an important things need to inform to the wira wert..

its emergency lar .

I miss the moment during the volleyball tournament 

u know what..... 

We wira and wirawati was lose 

we gotta accept the truth 

we were really so damn on the refee 


because he made us lose the 2 ultimately point which we gonna be win the game.  


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