
Saturday, June 22, 2013

PLKN , penangguhan ?

Hey yorr.. blogger ^^ Time flies...I'm back from NATIONAL SERVICE finally.. 
 (listening AVIAL’s song DON’T TELL ME )

I did enjoy my life in national service in this 80 days seriously. 
I miss my sista and bro who in camp kegemilang gopeng T.T
I have a lot of stories wanna share with u guys 
I will going to update every day what was i doing within this 80 days in national service ^^ 
Can't wait to share OUT all funny things happened in the camp to all my blogger here ..
i try my best to update as soon as possible ..
hope that u guys will like it ^^ 

As i mentioned before, i was damn worrying how am i going to join in to this ages of group 1995 before i step into the CAMP..
i cant even sleep well before the day i went into the CAMP
Besides, i racialist due to my previous time had give umbrage from other races  
it was really driving me madly after i received the call from national services 
i did  cursed to national service.. 
can u just imagine how a girl who was 22 years old try to merge  with 18 years old fellow

no right ?? (sigh )
the distance of ages could be have 4 years generation gap>< 
holly shit.... 
all my friends teasing on me and wish me luck

i believed most of people Will scold out this sentence while they were receiving the letter from national service ^^ 
am i right ^^ 
slowly they will fight and against with their parent not to go into the camp
END UP.. some maybe protest successfully but some not ^^ 
therefore, who failed in protest gonna packing their luggage and arrange some document which requested. 

Most of the people did  curiously  why could i wanna go back to national service ? 
yaya.. it could be a long stories to tell.
I was receiving the letter from national service on siri 2 and tarc offer letter,both also held on MAY.
So i force to  be delay  my national service until 2015 because i gotta to finish my degree first ..i was finishing my diploma and working right now.
And i start worrying how if  i really receive a letter from  national service om 2015 which mean that time my ages could be 25 years old
 sound weird right.
. So i do willing to ask request going back to complete my national service ^^  

Okay.. let's start my days in PLKN!!! 

I didn't enjoy and wish to go back home early in the beginning 
at the last day, i wish the day not come to me .. 
i do hope time can pass slowly ... 

I miss all of them seriously ><

I'm used to woke up at 5.30 am by the fucking noisy speaker "bangun bangun bangun"
I'm used to do pembarisan in the padang kawat in the early morning 
I'm used to looking on the sky which have a lot of sprinkle star and moon in the morning and night
I'm used to take breakfast with all my crazy friend (keoy tow, nasi goreng, mee goreng)
I'm used to play volleyball under the hot sun with volleyball mate 
I'm used to apply sun block together with u all in dewan before volleyball training 
I'm used to gossip with u all in bilik rehat and sit a group in dewan
I'm used to receiving the "letter " from some of u ^^ 
I'm used to get cubit my face by someone 
I'm used to sharing my story to some of u ^^ 
I'm used to dance with u all in the bus
I'm used to have pillow talk with my sista
I'm used to chit chat with the person who can read my mind without saying anythings ^^ 
I'm used to do consulting to some of u who facing problems 
I'm used to hear people shout my name in dewan "KAKAK JENNY"

What i was learnt in the national service? 
hmm.... i did learn how to communicate with different ages of group.. 
i need to know how to handle all of the problem and solve these issues which come to me day by day>< 
its could be a  such nice experience that i had been ^^ 
since I'm the elder among this group, no more spoon feed to me.. 
I'm the one who spoon feed to them ... 

I do understand how was a leader and teacher feeling when they try to talk with their member or student.
u know what, it is not an easy task  to in-charge a big group of people.
They could give a lot of comments in your idea but not to give an idea to solve to the problem^^ 
They couldn't cooperate with you while doing the task requested in limited time ^^
They couldn't work in a serious situation. ^^ 
As a leader u going to talks with them? 
I did practice in everyday how to communicate and control this kind of situation 
Ended up.. I can said that I'm success also consider failed ^^ hehe
I'm human being right. i have 5 sense ... ^^ 
somethings need to explore it out XD 

u should make everyone of them agree to ur point of view
 u only can go into the further process  unless it will stuck on the stage and makes trouble within ur group members and you ^^

Some time i did feel aggressive when i talking with them, i felt like wanna screaming and run away but i know that it could not a good idea to do so..
 i have to holding my horse (patient ),
calm down and steady to complete the task.

I'm staying in stressful but somethings i did enjoy with them.. 
sound like my mind set could be get confuse and complicated right..
That why i always said to them..
so.. they all just call me crazy girl 


IAmWhoIAm said...

Hey guys there is a brand new forum created for all the PLKN wira/wirawati in the entire Malaysia... Pay us a visit and share your experience there...
Forum :
facebook group:

Invite your friends together!!!

janice_930201 said...
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janice_930201 said...

Hi, I have a friend who differed her enlistment as she was pursuing her degree.. She would like to join PLKN for the first badge as she's going to have three months sem break from Jan til March. Is there any procedure of process need to do in order to get into the 1st badge? She had emailed and sent letter to PLKN, however, it seems like she did not get any reply.. Thanks~

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