Second week
As a PR student could be used present in front of the people right..
Yes.. i'm a good presenter who can attract people listen to me while i doing my presentation in DIPLOMA. WHy? haha because of my enrichment body language able to catch up them toward me base on my every single funny movement ^^
So, it could be just a piece of cake for me doing presentation in front of all the sista and bro ^^
U know what.. my MALAY language is totally suck like COWSHIT (meaning of cowshit is to indicated how bullshit is , i learnt this from a friend named ACAP ^^ ).. which means my malay was terrible since i had been 3 years didn't speak in MALAY even a single word.
Try to imagine how am i going to present on the stage in front of all the malay guys ^^
All my malay sista tries to correct my accent in MALAY..
u should know how my cute voice is actually ..
(like a cartoon voice )
so once i start to speak out a single word they laugh on me weyy... ><
LOL!! Doesn't matter .. i don't care how they think or tease on me..
at least i try my best to present it on the stage.
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BRAVO company.. RAJA MALAM ..HOHO!! |
i did remember the day how we BRAVO TEAM preformed on the stage...
its quite nervous since we was the last team who did the presentation.
No doubt, others company looks smarter than us
*i mean the sorakan, tempukan and flag..
We all feel disappointing after finish our presentation due to the lack of time practice and teamwork.
we discussed to shout out HOHO for every presenter before presenting. Who know, during that time.. some people do,. some didnt >< its looks like an ant on the hot pan ><
When teacher announcing the 4th places held by DELTA!!!
3th places ALHFA
the champion could be BRAVO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gorgeous !!
are u kidding me ?
are u serious!!
we all BRAVO TEAM jumping up and shouting loudly
DO u know how DELTA and charlie company performed ?
their sorakan is super triple extremely smart and fully of energy..
STEP 1, 2, 3 4 5 6 !!
But by the way..
the reason why we get champion .. all was contributing by AFIFAH (mei mei ) ^^
she did help a lot while doing the presentation ^^
she was a creative and smart girl that i meet up in this group of people seriously ^^
Other than that.. what i felt stupid and childish did in PLKN which is...
GUESS what..
PK class and agama classes..
Do u know what should we do during the class??
i believed who had been step into NS able to know how was my feeling right..
COME ON !! we are not 3-5 years old children..
they are 18 years old
I'm 22 YEARS old men ><
im not used to play such CUTIES games weyy
1~ tambung ..tambung ..daus...
which is casting 3 balls continuously ..
2~ answering true or false
3 ~ using a finger holding a paid together with 8 person
and etcc...
i was just close my eye when doing all such CUTIES game ><
i wonder and curious why and what is the point we wanna do this...
what is the objective and purpose to do in PLKN..
i believe THAT i didn't step into wrong place wert..
this was not kinder garden.. @@
is PEmimpinan Latihan Khimat Negara weyy
should be do somethings who can guild or leadership somethings..
I m start used to suit with the life in CAMP after 1 weeks pass..
I damn miss my outside friend...
i was cries when i received their massage.on the 3th day
(billy , w.kin.w. leong, veness, l.wei. patrick.)
Slowly.. i been recognize some new malay friends in my company.
They told me a lot of things about their religion.
one of a malay guys name.NR who always come to approach me XD
so that we always walk together and chit chat and texting everyday..
One day, he gave me his passport photo asked me to keep it well .
i was shock !! is it somethings happen between me and him?
(he like me , i can feel that )
* i like him.. the way he approach to me , talk to me . thumbs up.. ^^
i will fall in love to him if he is elders than me.
not bad wert... the second week..
someone who was interested me this KAKAK jenny..hahaha
There was gang of crazy group (chiness girl)
i can saw some brightness from the gang could be C.G.
who is a short and slight over her BMI..haha
she was a crazy, funny,talk active girl among the group.
Her malay accent is good!!
this gang of group contain with around 12 person.
no doubt ..
it could be something happen like conflict or argue among this group ^^
as i said.
Human being have 5 sense.. they will just spoke out or explore everything that they feel uncomfortable
In day 11.. 20/4/2013
it could be a good memories and experience to me
Guess what
i wonder why people always said once u step into PLKN could be have a lot of ghost stories that u meet up ..
who know.. that day !!!
the ghost really come to my next dorm.!!
GRR.. it is so excited
the night... is freaking hot!!!
suddenly someone who shout loudly when i was lying on my bed writing dairy.
i thought they just playing fun with their friend
Suddenly one of my friend who from B4 which mean my next dorm.
She was holding her burger and crying while eating.
(try to imagine the picture ..haha funny )
i was shock and kinda feel weird what the fuck u doing ..
what wrong to u crying while eating ur burger ?
is that ur burger not delicious ..haha
slowly.. her hand shaking while the next people step into our dorm again
i was like what the fuck u guys playing now..
shouting... crying... shaking....
i ask her what happen now!!!
she ask me shut up..
what the hell u ask me shut up..@@
there were other girl from b4 run and cries into our dorm.
and my phone suddenly off !!
errmm.... what going on now ><
teacher suddenly ask all of us stick together and don't cry no matter what was happen!
they said one of a malay girl (ika )get possessed (rasuk )!!
Let me describe the situation to u all...
the malay girl who is active and talkactive and she always request friend to accompany her to toilet.
but the day she looks quiet and eye was red and went to toilet alone.
One of my friend who try to call her.
but she doesn't response
Its so abnormal!!
Suddenly. she shouting like a mad women and showing a painful face lying in bed!!
People who around the bed all was shock!!
especially is the one who eating burger..
*can u imagine while she doing enjoy eating her burger, suddenly a mad women shouting beside her.
*non stop laughing now
another girl named TT who is chiness falling down while running to our dorm.
her slipper was dropping on the way .
she wanna go back to get back her slipper
but behind have RARA was showing a fierce face and running to her.
We thought RARA also get possessed .
actually not..
All the malay girl ask us close for all the window and stick together
don't ask any things
just keep in mind do remember what is your name
don't cry!!
Allah.. we chiness people all brings out all the bible to read
but suddenly a girl shouting again..
KAKA get possessed ><
a van brings her go out from camp.
the van drive so fast..
sound so rush and scary
When all people calm down
AGAIN... sopna an indian girl who shrink her body hardly..
she is too scared of the possessed .
GRRR... the night they switch on the song lection for whole day
the light was on and off ..on and off..
the night was so hot.. i cant even sleep well..
i hear somemore keep knock the door!!
i was like wanna fuck the person who knock door in the mid night
but think properly ..
its sound weird.. who the stupid will do the idiot things !
Pheww.. is somethings knock the door
*not human being><

the whole night i didn't fall a sleep seriously
this is what i was did in the second week in my plkn life