:"YOU're getting slimmer ,was you suffering in NATIONAL SERVICE, jenny? "
i said :" *wink, not at all.. i was fine and enjoy over there. but just slightly felt tired which woke up in the early morning .. XD
Let's start my life in NATIONAL SERVICE
10/4/2013 (1st day)
Counting down for 2 more hours , i going to leave my home sweet home.. i m damn worry how am i going to communicate with all younger bro and sis which aged 18.
15:00 reached Kem kepimpinan Gemilang, GOPENG
Once i step into the camp.. the environment looks peace and nice which have lake and a big field.
I went to office lapor diri, body check up and get all my cloth like celoring, baju kelas and shoes all the things. There was hundred pairs of eyes looking at me when i took my luggage in to my DORM.
Yea... freaking felt excited that how am i doing in this PLKN.
' selamat petang cikgu, saya new recruit, im 22 years old."
*they was shocking and mumbling sound comes.
So the first day i meet up these new friend which is XUE YING and sher jun... they was same dorm with me.. XD Yet, they treat me like a monster since im 22 years old.. they start to spread my ages to one by one..All of them come over me and intro themselves. Im so sorry that i not able to memories all urs name in once time XD
22:00 im still awake in the night.. the night still young >< but the rules in PLKN we must force to put our ass on the bed before clock 11PM. GOOD NIGHT
11/4/2013 (2nd day)
05:00"bangun , bangun ,bangun, wira dan wiratati muslim, anda dijumput untuk datang ke surau solat"
what the fuck going on.. can you keep quiet, shut your mouth~!!! im damn sleeply right now here><
Do u know how weird and totally ruin my mood in THE EARly morning but all of them used to woke up >< Kinda feel angry !!! why do i STAY in this suck camp and my life totally get control~ im not 18 years old anymore... i want FREEDOM!!! *keep blaming and mumbling and complaining .
13/4/2013 (4th day)
Yea yea... today is Saturday. We can get back out mobile phone after went back from temple.
I gave a call to mummy after finish my dinner.
"hello mummy, im jenny.. how ya doing"
"Yea, jenny, mummy here..."
"............... *crying"
"jenny, what going wrong..cheer please.. don't cry.. are you suffering in the camp"
"............Tears Dropping... Munny.. im fine here ...T.T"
"... okokay.. wait.. i pass to Sis talk with you.. Dont cry ya "
".......hey yor jenny...what cha!! ........."
" yea sis im okay over here.. i enjoy and relax and meet up a lot of friend here and they are taking care to me .. ."
i just wonder why i cries like nobody when i heard mummy sound.
the day i was keep crying for the whole night.. Fortunately, Patrick ling, sheau jia, linwei and wai leong comfort me by using SMS ya.. Thank ya ^^
Yea yea.. Sunday.. i can meet up with my family family although just only 4 days didnt contact... They bought me cha siew bao and tang shui since those food over here is TERRIBLE!!!!