3 years and one month studies had been ended here. We should be happy that we was complected butt freaking feel like miss the moment so much wish that can flash back to the past and pause on that moment,
fOR Me my self. i totally loss my direction , i don even know what could i step for the next
I was escape for 3 month . measuring floor with pass my time
what should i do
Graduate same to loss ur goal
u need to create a new GOAL and accomplish it
By right
Come back to my convocation process in the whole day
we woke up at 6am , get ready prepare to make up and etc
than shooting at 8pm
Let's start the convocation
The speaker start talking
and it like turn fast
is time to shake hand on stage
i need to do some challenge
which is move my hand while im on stage
end up
yes , i did it
but get complain by DR CHOY
what the hell is she
just try to express the happiest
need so formal keep quiet in all the time
boring u know ><
ignore about it
around 12pm, we all started to have photo shooting with friend in the strong sun
alamak.. freaking hot at that time
and yet
dark jor ..wuwuwu
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A big Welcoming to Pseenjenny.blogspot.com sista or bro have fun & enjoy here. have a good day ^^
simple me

about p.seen
kinda Want 2 share a little part of jenny's life thought-out here :-
-it couldf be focus more on
-Travel experience
-Food exposure
-Whitening skin
-College life
-Personal stuff
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